School Bus Driver Accused Of DUI After Accident

In the 14th century, Britain, under the reign of King Edward III, suffered a very similar fate to the one Americans are facing right now. Of course, the pandemic of the Middle Ages had a survival rate of only 50%. But like our current pandemic, the cities were hit the hardest and skilled labor became more difficult to come by. This created a situation in which the cost of labor skyrocketed forcing Edward III to pass specific laws capping labor prices, and forcing those in the lower classes to dress appropriately to their class. In other words, the system that had regulated itself for so long required government intervention to enforce. While early efforts to enforce these laws were successful, the market won out eventually and the feudal system collapsed as a result.
Fast-forward 700 years to 2021. In America, we are facing significant labor shortages related to the pandemic. Wages are skyrocketing, but good help remains difficult to come by. Of the industries that have been hit the hardest by the pandemic, professional drivers are among the most difficult to find. This has resulted in some situations where unqualified drivers are placed behind the wheel of dangerous vehicles with precious cargo.
School bus driver charged with DUI
At about 6 am, a school bus driver hit the side of the road, lost control of the vehicle, hit a street sign, and then finally ended up in an embankment. The driver has since been charged with DUI. There were no children on the bus at the time of the accident. Neither the bus driver nor the monitor who was assigned to the bus were injured in the accident. However, the driver is now facing a DUI.
It is likely that formal charges are pending the result of a chemical test, but for someone to be drunk at 6 am in the morning, it is likely that they were still drunk from the night before unless they were intoxicated from a new medication they were taking or having a medical event, which isn’t out of the question.
Often, when police see that a driver has done something that they don’t quite understand or made a simple mistake that caused them to lose control of their vehicle, the only thing they can imagine as to a reason why is that the individual is committing a crime. But not all incidents like these are the result of crimes. Often, medical events can explain why a driver in a situation like this lost control of a vehicle that they otherwise should have been able to maintain control over. In some cases, medical events can make it look like someone is drugged or drunk when in fact, they aren’t.
Of course, that’s a very generous interpretation of events. Most people likely are thanking God that there were no children on the bus when the accident occurred.
Talk to an Orlando DUI Attorney Today
The FL DUI Group offers aggressive defense to those facing DUI charges in Orlando. Call our Florida DUI defense attorneys today to learn more about how we can help.