Deputy Found Asleep At The Wheel; Charged With DUI

An Orange County deputy is facing a DUI charge after being found slumped over in his vehicle behind the wheel. The officer was off-duty at the time of his arrest. The police department announced that the officer had been relieved of all law enforcement duties and reassigned to administrative work while the investigation is underway. His status will be reevaluated after the criminal case is complete.
Police found the driver hanging out of the door of the vehicle. The vehicle was at the entrance to a parking lot with the door open and the driver hanging out of the door. The driver’s foot was still on the brake.
Officers asked the policeman to exit the vehicle which he had difficulty doing, according to the arrest report. He had trouble maintaining his balance and officers smelled alcohol coming from his breath. The officer also had vomit on his shirt and pants. The officer declined to undergo field sobriety tests, which is his right under the law. However, he could not decline a blood or breath test that was taken at the police station. The results of that test are not back yet, but it’s more than likely that they will show that the officer was extremely intoxicated at the time of his arrest. So, it’s more than likely that he will be facing an aggravated DUI charge unless he mixed his booze with a medication that interacted poorly, which does happen.
What happens when law enforcement gets a DUI?
Well, much like you or me, a police officer who is fighting a DUI will need a lawyer. In fact, they may need more lawyers than you or I because they have to fight both the criminal charges and the administrative backlash from the department. There are a few professions in which it is really bad to get a DUI. Law enforcement, teaching or working around children, and working in substance abuse as a counselor are three of those professions. In each case, you’re expected to be a role model and above reproach. But in each case, the professions are manned by humans who are fallible and make mistakes.
Right now there is a lot of concern over our first responders, former military personnel, and police officers concerning their mental health. In fact, the suicide rates among cops, first responders, and other emergency personnel is much higher than the general public. This has spurred governments to begin considering mental health issues for the purposes of workers’ compensation. An officer who is charged with a DUI can seek treatment for alcoholism, PTSD, and any of the other mental health issues that officers face on a daily basis.
In other words, the law can be sensitive to those who make an honest effort to abstain from alcohol, seek treatment, and remain stable.
Talk to an Orlando DUI Attorney Today
FL DUI Group represents the interests of those who have been charged with DUI in Orlando. Call our Florida DUI defense lawyers today to schedule an appointment and we can begin preparing your defense immediately.