DUI Probation Requirements In Orlando, FL

If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol, even if it’s your first time, the judge is required to sentence you to probation. During your probation, your movements and conduct are restricted and several requirements are placed on you until you have satisfied your debt to the state. In this article, we’ll discuss DUI probation, how it works, and what you can expect.
Understanding DUI probation
In every DUI case, judges are required to place the offender on probation. The probationary period is usually between 6 and 12 months. Violations of probation result in other statutory consequences. In some cases, this could mean simply extending your probation period. In other cases, it could mean serving the full jail sentence you would have been given had the judge not given you probation.
Your DUI probation obligations
To successfully complete your probation, you will be required to meet several goals. This includes meeting monthly with your probation officer and making yourself available at work or home for random check-ins. You will need to submit to random alcohol and drug testing as part of your probation.
Then, there are the fees. You will be fined for the DUI conviction, but you will also have to pay several fees related to your probation. These include a charge of $50 per month for the probation officer. It also includes fees related to DUI school, court fees, and more. That isn’t even counting legal fees.
During your DUI probation, you may lose your right to possess weapons. Your probation officer will have to sign off on any weapons in your home. You will further not be able to move unless your probation officer says it’s okay.
Your obligations don’t stop there. You will likely be required to enter into a drug and alcohol treatment program to address ongoing substance abuse problems. You will be required to go to DUI school and complete 50 hours of community service.
DUI probation violations
If you violate the terms of your probation, then you can be charged with the statutory maximum allowable under the law for your offense. That means if you are facing a simple DUI charge, you could face up to 6 months in jail. For an aggravated DUI charge, you can face up to 1 year in jail. Those who violate the terms of their probation usually face jail sentences.
The courts consider probation a gift and privilege. Those who violate the terms of their probation generally don’t get a second chance to make things right. It is important to understand the consequences of accepting a plea in a DUI prosecution, as DUI probation is no easy ride and will upend your life for at least six months.
Talk to an Orlando, FL DUI Attorney Today
The Florida DUI defense attorneys at the FL DUI Group represent the interests of defendants in DUI cases. Call today to schedule an appointment and discuss your options for resolving your case.